Saturday, July 04, 2015

Wednesday, 12noon – 2pm PT   JULY 8 , 2015    host Gerry Takano

early 20th century Mysticism Spiritualism and Reincarnation

"by the end of the nineteenth century, Victorians were seeking rational explanations for the world in which they lived. The radical ideas of Charles Darwin had shaken traditional religious beliefs. Sigmund Freud was developing his innovative models of the conscious and unconscious mind. And anthropologist James George Frazer was subjecting magic, myth, and ritual to systematic inquiry… in this quintessentially modern moment, late-Victorian and Edwardian men and women became absorbed by metaphysical quests, heterodox spiritual encounters, and occult experimentation".  The Place of Enchantment:  British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern, Alex Owen

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