Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Mechanics of Color  

Wednesday, 12noon – 2pm PT   February 24-, 2016

(re-broadcasted on the next Friday, 2 - 4pm PT <KGGV.FM>)

Beneath the Waves host Gerry Takano

In 1982 American author Alice Walker (Color Purple), coined the termcolorism” and discussed how color is not synonymous to racism.  Skin color is only one mechanism used to assign, repress and limit individuals to a racial category.  Colorism is the dependence of social status on skin color alone. In order to understand discrimination based on colorism, differential treatment must not result from racial categorization, but from the social values associated with skin color.

Streaming* live globally at http://KGGV.FM> 

note:  check out my Facebook site for additional posts on each subject

KGGV 95.1 FM Guerneville “The Bridge” is a community, non-commercial  radio station based in Guerneville, Russian River valley, Sonoma County, northern California USA.

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