Monday, March 16, 2015

January 28, 2015:

Diversity and Anarchism:  Interview with writer Terence Kissack
Anarchism is a multi-faceted political philosophy unfortunately stereotyped and equated with violence and chaos.  This is a misconception -- anarchism is a truly diverse way of thinking, one which cannot be characterized by simple, logos, slogans or party lines. No one has, in my opinion, adequately summarized the term to encompass all of its many branches and subsets. Anarchism, however, defined as a way of life that encompasses political, pragmatic and personal aspects.
1.  Tell us about your background -- where were you were born, school, family environ, early influences especially as a gay man in a culture dominated by consumerism and competitive behavior.
2.  What inspired you to explore and research "anarchism" and its relationship to the glbt struggle?
3.  What was the basis for your book?  How was the book received in various circles?
4.  When did you begin working with the GLBT Historical Society -- tell us about your presentations on the subject.  What is the primary importance of documenting glbt history and anarchism?
5.  From your perspective how is our current post-industrial global post-modernist society related to theories of anarchism.
6.  Any writings and projects that you are currently working on? 
7.  Other thoughts...

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