Monday, March 16, 2015

March 18, 2015:

from Victimization to New Roles:  Interview with writer Ray Rigoglioso

Today it may appear that being glbt, open and out front, is as easy as being a heterosexual person free of self-hatred, doubt, or denial.  after centuries of abuse, persecution, and discrimination (still occurring today) collective critical mass for political and social change” is possible; long, arduous efforts and perseverance have resulted in a new time.  But what happens after the “struggle”, after the change?  This program addresses the transition forward.  Part 1 is a brief history of glbt victimization; Part 2 is an interview with Ray Rigoglioso, author of Gay Men and the Move Forward.

In the recently published book, Gay Men and “The New Way Forward”, author Ray Rigoglioso takes a fresh and open-hearted look at the critical roles that gay men play in the world. The “New Way Forward” shows how gay men have emerged from a history dominated by victimization to become teachers for humanity. 

1 comment:

msnsanfran said...

Great interview w/Ray!