Monday, March 16, 2015

February 18, 2015:

Bohemian Grove, Monte Rio, California

Situated 75 miles north of San Francisco (and but a few miles from Guerneville), the Bohemian Grove covers 2,700 acres. As of 2007, there were 118 camps, distributed around the site’s central feature: a man-made lake, watched over by a towering Owl Shrine, where a “Cremation of Care” ceremony is held at the beginning of each encampment.

From Bohemian Tragedy by Alex Shoumatoff, 2009: "Conspiracy theorists believe the Bohemian Grove’s idyllic grounds, in northern California, are host to right-wing, old-boy machinations about the New World Order. Honorary member Richard Nixon, meanwhile, called it “the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine.” … common to all reports from the two-week-long gathering of the country’s rich and powerful old guard—members have included every Republican president since Coolidge—from the club’s founding, in 1872, to today."
The last Bohemian Grove encampment took place in July 2008.


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